Oasis Informatique

    • (+222) 45 25 30 71 (+222) 37 37 40 37
    • contact@oasisinformatique.com
    • 02/07/2024
  • (+222) 45 25 30 71
  • (+222) 37 37 40 37
  • contact@oasisinformatique.com
  • 02/07/2024


The development of software requires knowledge, precision, and the right programing tools.

By meeting these criteria, the technologies that we use are reliable and robust and are built to be long-lasting, so that we can offer you durable software.

In order to more successfully complete your project, we work closely with our clients and keep in frequent contact with you.

We also run tests and create multiple versions so that we can deliver the results you expected and in as little time as possible. We use the following stages to complete your projects and create software:

  • Consultation on the implementation of functions
  • Improving the user experience: usability, simplicity, intuitiveness
  • Computer programing
  • Testing and refining of functions
  • Monitoring and training of users
  • Maintenance and continual updates of software

Software development:

OASIS INFORMATIQUE specializes in the creation of personalized, high-quality IT solutions that meet to the needs of its clients. Specialized needs come up frequentlyin IT development and we are ready to put the knowledge, the skills, and the passion of our team members at your service.

BRP Software (Business Resource Planning) & CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

The software that is increasingly at the heart of businesses. These software programs allow you to maximize your time, thus increasing the productivity of your company. Management software like BRP allows you to better organize your data andstreamline your processes, optimizing the internal functioning of your business. The custom-made CRM software allows you to optimize your relationships with your current and prospective clients, while respecting the codes and specificities of your business. We have developed these programs with the user experience in mind, ensuring a software that it is intuitive, simple to use, and accessible. We create these programs with the appropriate technology for this kind of development: C++, Java, C#, or PHP.

Do you want to develop software for your business?

Our teams work with you to design the features of your software program in order to ensure usability anda positive user experience, drawing on the latest trends in software development.

As we know that work places want to be more and more mobile, your custom-made software will be created with mobility in mind. A mobile version will be available for you and your collaborators.

Mobile development:

In an era where smartphones occupy an increasingly important place in our daily lives, offering a mobile application is a true asset for any company. We develop applications that are supported by both Android and IOS, while prioritizing the user experience. To accomplish this goal, we use the best-suited technologies, like React Native, Swift, C#, and Java.

Our mobile development is sustainable, which means that we make sure that you are independent of the browser or the device that you are using, so that you have constant access to your data.

We use multiple programing languages to best address this need.

Web development:

Thanks to the breadth of our experience in IT development, acquired through a variety of projects, we can offer our clients robust and reliable applications.

Whether it’s distributed computer architecture, a complex web application, or of course a simple showcase site, we employ a rigorous methodology that guarantees customer satisfaction.

We bring together all the skills in the same agencyand propose a global solution which includes the following portfolio of services:

  • Research and creation of a graphic line
  • Creation of high-performance websites
  • Websites with content management systems (CMS)
  • E-commerce solutions and secured online payment
  • Web development for specific applications
  • Hosting on secure servers and daily backups
  • Creation and management of email servers
  • Advice, support, and training
  • Search engine optimization for webpages (SEO)

Thanks to our expertise, we are prepared to develop a specific web site, an e-commerce site, or a web platform for you, no matter the size or reputation of your company.

From the first contact to the final delivery, we will keep in touch with you, listen to you, and share our experience to ensure quality work that meets your expectations.