Oasis Informatique

    • (+222) 45 25 30 71 (+222) 37 37 40 37
    • contact@oasisinformatique.com
    • 02/07/2024
  • (+222) 45 25 30 71
  • (+222) 37 37 40 37
  • contact@oasisinformatique.com
  • 02/07/2024

Information systems

Our Information Systems Services division was established to provide a way for us to help our clients produce exact, reliable, and timely information that corresponds to their information needs. These services include:

Needs analysis and information definition studies:

Needs analysis and information definition studies are conducted to ensure, in detail, the precise character of your information needs. We identify what information is needed, when it is needed for whom it is needed, and in what format it is needed.

Systems analysis and system development:

Based on the needs analysis, we establish the right system that corresponds to your information needs. We develop the most appropriate system that includes the development of procedures, identification of inspections, and defining the organizational framework required for the system to function.

Information processing:

Whether in the process of developing the systems, or by request, we will advise you and help you in selecting the hardware and software that we think will best respond to your information processing needs.