Oasis Informatique

    • (+222) 45 25 30 71 (+222) 37 37 40 37
    • contact@oasisinformatique.com
    • 02/07/2024
  • (+222) 45 25 30 71
  • (+222) 37 37 40 37
  • contact@oasisinformatique.com
  • 02/07/2024

Network and systems


OASIS INFORMATIQUE offers you a network architecture fitted to your situation and your needs, in terms of quality, speed, ease of access, and security. We set up complete networks. We can respond easily to all kinds of installation requests and computing network parameters, whether wired, Wi-Fi, or PLC.

We thus offer you:

  • Choice and set up of architecture (specifications or audit of existing)
  • Cables and configurations of elements: routers, gateways, servers, etc.
  • Implementation of complex multi-station network configurations
  • Integration of proxy (securing connections)
  • Message relay
  • Installation of VPN (remote connection between sites)


OASIS INFORMATIQUE is involved in the world-wide implementation of server systems. It offers reliable expertise in Microsoft and Open Source technology, which gives its clients a guarantee of the independence and objectivity of its projects.

We are prepared to manage all or a part of your computing system (hardware, applications, servers, data center), helping your company to securely evolve its technology.

To protect your data, to set up message systems, and to secure your systems, OASIS INFORMATIQUE can support you in implementing the most appropriate solutions for your needs:

  • Cloud
  • Virtualization
  • Backups
  • Storage
  • Security and protection of data
  • Messages
  • Replication of servers