Oasis Informatique

    • (+222) 45 25 30 71 (+222) 37 37 40 37
    • contact@oasisinformatique.com
    • 02/07/2024
  • (+222) 45 25 30 71
  • (+222) 37 37 40 37
  • contact@oasisinformatique.com
  • 02/07/2024

Software and hardware maintenance

OASIS INFORMATIQUEoffers one-time or regular IT maintenance contracts to suit the needs of your business. We offer the following maintenance services:

Audit of your IT stock

In order to understand your needs and effectively maintain your IT equipment, our teams begin with an audit. We evaluate your hardware, your software solutions, your network, and its security level. At the end of this evaluation, our teams give you a report with instructions for you to follow to optimize your IT equipment.

Consultation with our specialists

Our teams are ready to help you make the best choice for your IT solutions. We support you through the purchase, implementation, migration, and deployment of solutions. As your only contact with your IT suppliers, we manage the after-sales service of all these parties for you.

A tech team at your service

We offer you service by phone in order to resolve problems connected to the usage of your IT solutions by all your collaborators. For all problems requiring in-person assistance from our tech teams, we arrive as quickly as possible.

IT maintenance for all businesses

Your information system is our priority. The IT maintenance packagedesigned for mid-sized and small companies that OASIS INFORMATIQUE has developed will give you peace of mind.

Administration of your applications and servers

To ensure the permanent availability of your applications, we handle the maintenance of your servers remotely: management of user rights, parameters of your messaging system, administration of your domain and network, and printing management.